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Who we are

Director – Rhodri Davies

Rhodri is the founder and Director of Why Philanthropy Matters.

He is a well-known thinker and commentator on philanthropy and civil society issue, and is regularly invited to write and speak about them for a wide range of audiences.

He also hosts the popular Philanthropisms podcast.

As well as running Why Philanthropy Matters, Rhodri is a Pears Research Fellow in the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent, and also the Philanthropy Expert in Residence at the Pears Foundation.

He has published two books: What is Philanthropy For? (Bristol University Press, 2023) and Public Good by Private Means: How philanthropy shapes Britain (Alliance Publishing Trust, 2016)

Rhodri was formerly Head of Policy at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), where he created and led the in-house think tank Giving Thought, and also hosted CAF’s popular Giving Thought podcast  for over 100 episodes.

Rhodri graduated from the University of Oxford with a first-class degree in Mathematics and Philosophy and embarked upon an academic career before migrating into public policy work, where he has spent the last 15 years figuring out how much more he still has to learn about philanthropy.

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Philanthropy has a long and varied history. We’ve created bite-size chapters that you can jump in and out of to better understand philanthropy.