Rewriting the Rules of Philanthropy- How We Give Now
At s recent event hosted by Giving Tuesday, Rhodri Davies moderated a fascinating conversation with Asha Curran (CEO of Giving Tuesday), Lucy Bernholz (Senior Research Scholar at Stanford PACS) and Edgar Villanueva (author of Decolonizing Wealth).
How smart tech can make philanthropy smarter
In this article Beth Kanter and Allison Fine, authors of The Smart Nonprofit credit Rhodri Davies for coining the term “philgorithm” to describe the potential application of AI to automating decisions about giving.
Cryptophilanthropists – friend or foe to charities?
In this article, Rhodri Davies is quoted on the challenges that cryptophilanthropy can pose for charities.
Russia links scrutiny adds to donations pressure on UK campuses
In this article, Rhodri Davies is quoted talking about the impact of sanctions on Russian oligarchs on philanthropic donations to universities.
Elon Musk’s philanthropy
Rhodri Davies is quoted in a New York Times article on “Elon Musk’s Latest Innovation: Troll Philanthropy”.
Bitcoin donations trouble some charities
Rhodri Davies is quoted in this Washington Post article talking about why some charities are wary of accepting cryptocurrency donations.
Why aren’t more charities supporting community building initiatives?
Rhodri Davies writes for Third Sector magazine about why charities should embrace the role they can play in helping to build stronger neighbourhoods and communities post covid.
What could Elon Musk’s Twitter bid mean for philanthropy?
Rhodri writes for Alliance magazine about the potential implications for philanthropy and civil society of the news that Elon Musk is to buy Twitter: