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Milos Maricic & Giuseppe Ugazio: Philanthropy and AI


In this episode of the podcast, we talk to Milos Maricic and Giuseppe Ugazio, co-editors of the new Routledge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy, about the current state of the intersection between philanthropy and AI.

We discuss:

  • How the book came about, what is in it, and what the aim of it is.
  • What are some of the key opportunities that AI might bring for philanthropy and civil society?
  • What are some good examples of AI being used to address social and environmental issues?
  • Are these examples skewed towards any particular geographic regions or cause areas? If so, how can we overcome any inequalities?
  • How are philanthropic organisations using AI to improve their own operations? (e.g. Efficiency, accessibility, impact measurement, grant applications/grant making?)
  • How much work is there to be done in terms of getting the datasets required to make philanthropy applications of AI feasible?
  • Is there a skills and knowledge gap in the nonprofit sector when it comes to AI?
  • If nonprofit engagement with AI requires partnership with tech companies, how do we ensure genuine partnerships (i.e. overcome power imbalances etc)?
  • Is there a danger that people and organisations from the tech sector are prone to “tech solutionism” (i.e. assuming that all problems, including complex, long-standing social ones, can be solved by technology)? How can civil society mitigate against this tendency?
  • Should we take concerns about AI-driven automation making human workers redundant seriously? Or, will AI merely open up opportunities to focus on different things?
  • Does the voice of civil society organisations (and the people and communities they serve) get heard enough in current debates about AI?
  • What new laws and regulations might be required to ensure that AI is developed in a way that benefits society? What role can philanthropy and CSOs play in ensuring this?
  • What do we still not know? i.e. where are the most urgent gaps for further research in philanthropy and AI?

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